Latteria San Pietro and sustainability



According to the American National Climatic Data Center the year 2018, from January to June, has been the forth hottest year ever since 1880. The average temperature increased by 1,06° degrees compared to the one from 1880 to 1920, with a higher growth rate in the last decades.

Latteria San Pietro and sustainability </br> THE EUROPEAN PROJECT “LIFE TTGG”



Carbon dioxide and methane artificial emissions in the environment have been caused by the use of fossil energy sources, deforestation and improper use of resources. Therefore, the greenhouse effect occurred, increasing the temperature of the planet.
«Since the ‘50s, we have observed unprecedented changes», writes the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


Latteria San Pietro and sustainability </br> THE EUROPEAN PROJECT “LIFE TTGG”


To limit the global warming, in the coming decades the decrease of greenhouse gases emissions will have to be significant and should cover all productive sectors: not only the energy sector, that holds the main responsibility for direct global emissions, but also the agricultural one, considering that is responsible for 10% of total emissions worldwide.
The European dairy sector represents one of the principal players in the world, in terms of both importation and exportation, creating wealth and employment in the European Union. However, if we consider the environmental impacts of this sector, its key role in global warming should not be underestimated.


Latteria San Pietro and sustainability </br> THE EUROPEAN PROJECT “LIFE TTGG”
Solutions are needed to improve Italian and France cheeses supply chain efficiency, to analyse and reduce their environmental footprint and to achieve more sustainable production and consumption. In order to do that, the whole supply-chain of products, his consumption and waste management must be considered.
The European project LIFE TTGG – The Tough Get Going (meaning “tough” the cheeses covered by this project) arises from the synergy between universities, start-ups, manufacturing companies, Italian and French training and research organizations, with the aim of improving the cheese production processes efficiency in Europe, reducing environmental impact and thus achieving more sustainable production and consumption.
The project intends to develop a software – Environmental Decision Support System (EDSS) – in order to calculate and reduce the environmental footprint trough an efficient methodology, in compliance with the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF); this means optimising of both environmental and economic performances in farms, dairies and packaging producers. Lastly, the project aims to increase stakeholder and consumer know-how about the PEF methodology, providing reliable and simple information.
This software will be calibrated, validated and tested on Grana Padano PDO and on Comté PDO production environment; it will then be proposed as a reference for other European PDO cheeses Consortia.
The results of the LIFE TTGG project will be a useful contribution to the implementation of European environmental policies, particularly towards a Europe where the correct use of resources and the so-called “circular economy”, which recognize the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology as the common method for measuring environmental performances.
Latteria San Pietro has nature close to his heart: environment, animals and people. San Pietro has already adopted a philosophy based on One Health system, through the production of Organic Grana Padano PDO, Grana Padano PDO from hay and promotional activities of the stable meadows of Mincio Valley. The dairy decided to take part of the LIFE TTGG project to further implement his level of sustainability, make the resources of today available in the future and offer an even more sustainable product to the market.
Latteria San Pietro and sustainability </br> THE EUROPEAN PROJECT “LIFE TTGG”